| 2002 December 12 |
developercontactsWant to help with gedit's development? Please contact the developers:
Please send all other comments and suggestions to the gedit mailing list. Send all bug reports to the GNOME bug tracking database. You can also use GNOME's Bug Report Tool available from the main GNOME menu's Utilities sub-menu. project pageSourceForge.net hosts the gedit gedit Project Page and this web site. internet relay chatYou can find us on #gedit at either irc.gimp.org or irc.gnome.org. mailing listWrite the gedit mailing list at <gedit-list@lists.sourceforge.net>. Or you can browse through the mailing list's archives. bug listAs gedit matures we continue to resolve known and discovered bugs. Browse through gedit's current bug list to make sure your bug hasn't already been filed or to find a bug or two to help us fix! |
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